Friday, September 23, 2011

So um ...

I'm thinkin' we'll just be on hiatus until after BlizzCon and silliness, and we can get caught up with the ones we have missed. Post 'em as you complete 'em. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week 5 Art Challenge: Weight Watchers Anonymous

Artists, for the most part, adhere to their cultural definitions of "beauty" when drawing human or anthropomorphic figures -- mostly, that means we draw slender people, because slender people are pretty, and we all like to look at pretty people.

This week's challenge to to cast off your cultural shackles and draw figures to tip the scales in the other direction! No rules other than to draw fat; it can be full body sketches, studies of rolls in particular areas, fully rendered and finished work, or speedpaints of fabulous flab. We'll make this another two-week special, since that seems to be easier on our schedules; that makes it due on Wednesday, September 22.

Apologies for posting a day late. Totally spaced out that yesterday was Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 3 at last!

ZOMG I finally got a shirt design! This was not the original one I had in mind (and I still want that one, but perspective drawing a tank still boggles my brain), but I'd wear it! Dave at work teases me about being a Bolo Tech, so that's partly where this design comes from. The "LMR-2593" on the back would be the Bolo to whose team this tech is assigned. In this case, the designation is itself a tribute to Keith Laumer (1925-1993), who first wrote about Bolos.

This could in theory be printed on any color combination, but for simplicity and an echo of some Army shirt designs, my preference is white on heather grey. I would totally buy this shirt ... and might just have to print one somehow. >.> Still needs some touchups, that's a real quick cutout job on the Bolo, but its good enough for screen res. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 3 - Personal T-Shirt Design

 Well amid some delays on this end, I finally got my assignment for Week 3 at what I view as a decent stopping point. 

Since this week's assignment focused on something "I" would wear, that made it sort of a fun and unique challenge.  I had a few initial ideas which I narrowed down to a final four set of ideas (seen on the left), but I kept coming back to the hawk idea since it felt like it made for a better composition.

Due to time constraints, I opted not to go the Illustrator/vector route, but I had a lot of fun applying color in a sort of Kymba-y, color-happy way. :)  I went with a lighter sort of sea-foam background than I originally intended.  I'd thought at first about making it sort of a combination between the moon and the sun and to pull in both daytime and nighttime in a composition, but it just started looking way too complex and convoluted.
 Here is my larger redrawing of the design I wanted to go with followed by my "final" pass of what I was considering for the colors of it.  I'd also consider muting the hawk to be more "blue," but I'm decently pleased with how it turned out. :)

Week 4 Art Challenge: Weapon of Choice

Week 4 Art Challenge: Weapon of Choice

It seems a few of us got a bit swamped for a bit there (myself included), but I want to make sure to keep the prompts coming. :)  I'll be posting my Week 3 assignment later today (and my Week 2 soon-after...  I wasn't happy with my first pass).   

This week's (Thursday to Wednesday to Wednesday) challenge/assignment begins with hand-prop silhouettes for study, and moves onward from there!

The warm-up exercises will be to draw a variety of hand-prop silhouettes (black on a white background) from various pre-existing media, including anything ranging from comic books, movies, games, or else-wise.  The emphasis here should be on media where the prop itself comes from a strong cultural background that is apparent in the style of the prop.  No bland traditional scimitars, for example, but fantasy swords? Perfect! Complex hand-cannon? Awesome! If you like, take notes on your observations.

The challenge is to create one original weapon for the fantasy/sci-fi world/culture of your choosing.  Try to take it beyond a sketch and leave some time to either model it, render it, sculpt it, whatever it takes to really "sell" the cultural tie-in. 

Due: Wednesday, September 7th. (So a little under two weeks so stuff doesn't start piling up.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 3 .. der!

Not going to happen for me again tonight. Bit off more than I could chew with the design in my head, and have had another busy week besides. I do at least have a little more idea of what I am doing now, and hopefully I will get it posted sooner than next Wednesday. ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Since this past week seems to have been busy for all of us, and we want to get the most out of these challenges instead of stressing ourselves out just to hit the deadlines, last weeks t-shirt prompt has been extended until next Wednesday. So make good use of the extra time!